Categorizing the Internet's Serious Problems
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 2:54AM
Steve Holcombe in References

The following quoted text is taken from the statement of prior art in US patent application entitled Methods and systems for managing entities in a computing device using semantic objects filed in 2003 by Nova Spivack and Kristinn Thorisson, and assigned to Radar Networks, Inc., the provider of Twine. I've also blogged about this patent application in US Patent App 20040158455:  Methods and systems for managing entities in a computing device using semantic objects (Radar Networks) Φ. And I previously blogged about Spivack and Twine in The Funding of the Emerging Semantic Web.

This statement of prior art categorizes the Internet's serious problems into the following categories:

  1. Information overload
  2. Information complexity
  3. Dis-integration
  4. Spam
  5. Lack of targeting
  6. Lack of personalization
  7. Lack of privacy control
  8. Information deficit

Here's the quoted text:

Article originally appeared on The @WholeChainCom Blog (
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